Welcome to 2014!

January 1, 2014 – Wednesday


I’m ready. It’s “Phase Two” time!

This week’s task:
-pick one thing that is getting in the way of your goals and eliminate it, just for this week.

For example: I was doing really well avoiding carbs and sweets until “baking season” started. I allowed myself a tiny “treat” almost every day while actively losing in Phase One. This escalated quickly after Thanksgiving. I now have a habit; daily candies, gummies, cookies, treats of any kind.

My Week One elimination: SWEETS!

But we can’t just eliminate without adding something back in, so to be fair to my body I’m adding WATER! My goal is to have 24-32 oz water before my 1st meal of the day, followed by 2-3 more of these glasses throughout the day, before bed. I found kool-aid liquid and like a little squirt in my glass. It’s sugar free and calorie free, but hopefully will be enough to trick my brain and clear this sugary sludge from my veins.


So how about you? :} Share away! I’d love to hear your plans. Let’s do this!

11 thoughts on “Welcome to 2014!

  1. One of the challenges I have for myself this year is to complete 100 workouts by the end of the year. Each one has to be at least 30 minutes in duration and can either be at the gym, park, mall (walking), or here at home (Wii Fit). I figure it is doable because it’s about 2 workouts a week. I’m hoping to work up to longer and more frequent workouts, but we’ll see how it goes!

  2. I’m only 2 weeks post op but sneaking carbs back in is something I worry about. Not sure if I have kicked the sugar addiction. I wish my protein shakes tasted exactly like chocolate milk.

    • I feel you!!! I remember those first post-op days & just hating just about everything I could put in my mouth. I promise you, the shakes will start to taste better (& food in general) once your internal wounds heal and the weird smells traveling upwards go away. 🙂

  3. I just wanted to say thanks for sticking with me! I’ve been having a bit of a life upheaval — ok a LOT — unrelated to surgery (although still some minor related issues are persisting, the total upheaval has been of a personal level). I am trying to get my ducks in a row to do some updates. I let my plateau take over my brain, & then got scolded by my surgeon for exercising too much. I finally started seeking treatment for my ED, got a promotion–then a bigger promotion, & my life partner backed out of our life. It’s been a cyclone. But I promise: I WILL BE BACK FULL FORCE & SOON!

  4. I love your blog! I just found this about 3 days ago and I read every entry 🙂 I am hoping to be able to get the surgery done for the sleeve. I have been doing research first and your blog really has helped to show me what is possibly in store for me. I hope you post more soon! can’t wait to read 🙂

    • Thank you! 🙂 I’ve got a few posts in “draft” status currently. This month has been a whirlwind of change on the homefront. I definitely will be updating soon!

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