WW week 1

March 25, 2018 – Sunday

Technically, my WI (weigh-in) is Wednesday, but I don’t usually have time to blog during the week. I expect to do updates every weekend, so hopefully if you find anything interesting here, you stick around! :]

This week, I lost 4 pounds. I was *SHOCKED* to say the least.

WW wk1 WI sheet

I’m getting used to the plan again, and it reminds me of the old plan that I first tried with WW back in 2003. I had a lot of success on that plan, so I am holding high hopes. I really don’t want to get my VSG revised, but I will if I have to.

You see…lately, I haven’t been feeling all that great.

My right foot is acting up again. I thought it was plantar fasciitis acting up, but I tried the night splint and exercises and it’s not getting better. Suddenly, the pain changed and now I’m wondering if I refractured it. I can no longer ignore it, so I’m going to call the podiatrist on Monday and see about getting in.

This is annoying, and it prevents me from exercising, but it’s ok. I still get my 10k-12k steps per day just by working.

The more concerning issue is this shortness of breath and general malaise that seems to have taken over my body and soul. Obviously, with the bum foot, I have not been as active as normal. It’s also been a wretched, long winter and my soul is tired. But I am surviving. I also quit smoking in November! Tomorrow will be 4 full months without a cigarette!


So WHY am I winded walking a flight of stairs?! Why is my resting BP so high? Is it *merely* because I gained 30# over the last 2 years?

I need to lose. I need to figure out if this is a real health issue or just a fat issue. Either way, I’m done. I finally reached STEP ZERO.

I will do whatever it takes.

I’m not ready to die. I haven’t even seen Africa, yet.

Welcome (back) to WW

March 18, 2018 – Sunday

I failed. The Big Booty Reboot was a stunning failure, and I am – or should be – shamed. I lost 11# and regained 10 of it.

Enter: Weight Watchers.

Now, on a spiritual root level, I feel like one who has endured weight loss surgery should not have to resort to *weight watchers* but alas, I am doomed.

It seems to be working for my BFF, so he guilted me into joining. On Pi Day, I bit the bullet. I was 275 Lbs. This is ridiculous and cannot continue. I am going to give this 6 solid months and if it doesn’t work, I will let my bariatric surgeon revise my sleeve into a RNY pouch. For the record, I’m *really* pulling for myself & WW.

Reboot Update – Month 1

February 19, 2018 – Monday

Well, it took me a little longer than I anticipated to get back on my feet after the flu. As such, I missed a scheduled video (maybe two?) so here you go!

I lost 11.2 pounds in the first month of the reboot! Mostly I attribute this to setting a schedule and keeping it boring. I have a 33 oz water bottle that I fill four times throughout the day. I try to have one finished before breakfast and three gone by the time I clock out from work for the day – or be working on the third during my drive home. I have been waiting to have breakfast until about 10:30 a.m. and that is usually a protein shake. Lunch happens around noon. I keep it protein heavy. I don’t usually need a snack in the afternoon anymore. Dinner is my wildcard. I never know what it’s going to be, except that on Mondays we play trivia and have chicken wings. Usually dinner is just myself and my 17-year old son, and he’s a meat-and-potatoes kind of guy. I usually have an evening snack of yogurt or fruit.

I did have a rendevous with chocolate after Valentine’s Day, and I’m not proud. I gained quite a bit over three days, but it’s all gone again now. Lesson learned. Don’t mess with SUGAR!

The Plague Strikes Hard

February 4, 2018 – Sunday

I’m a day behind right now, but I nearly didn’t post this one. In the end, it’s easier to vlog than blog when your eyes are throbbing. I’m working on getting myself back on plan 100%, but I’m struggling with how to make that happen. I’m just not sure what it’s supposed to look like. I’ll probably be doing a lot of planning behind the scenes and I’ll share when I have something worthwhile. In the meantime, if anyone has any wisdom, I’m willing!


I’m a little behind posting this… like a week… haha

I’m losing still, but I also had/have gained SO MUCH WEIGHT that it hardly seems worth celebrating. So much work ahead of me–AGAIN.

I’ve pretty much decided to continue to VLOG and share here on the blog, but I promise that my blog updates will (normally) be much more involved. I’ve been back to work & school for a week already & I’m drowning, frankly. Vlogging is just faster and gets my actions out into the realm, whereas if I wait to find time to write a decent blog, I may never do it — as evidenced by my slow trickle of posts over the last 2 years.

I appreciate you sticking around! ❤

Liquid Fast Update

14 JAN 18 – Sunday

Update to my Liquid Diet…


I posted the vlog below, but I need to expand on my situation. Basically, I have no willpower. That’s it. That’s the secret. I’m not sure what happened to me! Actually, I know *exactly* what happened. I blame Netflix & Joe Cross. That cheeky bastard always gets to me. He’s so adorable! And that wretched Australian accent… I’m helpless in his gaze! Look at him! LOOK!



If you haven’t seen the documentary “Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead” and you enjoy food, DON’T. It always makes me want to jump on the bandwagon. And I stare at my sad, dusty juicer in the cupboard while whispering promises to it of giving it a new life on the countertop….

And I don’t. I then – predictably – vow to go on the liquid (pre-op phase) diet and try to get control of myself. And I last a day or two, maybe three if I’m in a particularly magical stream of consciousness.

This time, Winter Storm Iras showed up.


We were all caught off guard by two days of ***ahh-mazing*** temps in the 50’s, and even though it rained ALL day on Friday, the temp was 64F everywhere I was. Unfortunately, this caused flooding…and then sheets of ice when the temp dropped to the teens, and then single-digits by 7 pm. And that’s when the snow started.

“Yeah, so what?” you may be asking yourself. “Excuses, excuses…”

This meant that my blissful Saturday with an empty house became a distant hope, when my fiancé had to cancel work.


And the rest is history.

On a positive note: I’m down 4.2 lbs

See you soon. I appreciate you! :}


12 JAN 18 – FRIDAY

Oh for the love of Pete! I know I say this a lot, but life just has been wild. Honestly, once you have surgery & you get beyond the first year, there are not a lot of changes to look forward to. If you’re following the plan, life will just cease to be “post-op” and morph into “life” now. I’ll do a catch-up blog soon, but for now I wanted to share my new VLOG. I’m hoping that maybe I can be more consistent with a new platform. So, if you like that kind of stuff come over and check it out!

The first vlog is my own call to action. I’m going to be doing a liquid diet “cleanse” for the remainder of January. My low weight post-op was about 210. This morning I clocked in at 276.6 – OhEmGee. I nearly passed away. I honestly don’t know if it’s related to the oral surgery I recently had, the medications I’ve been on for the last 6 weeks, or holiday bloat, but I’m over it. Whatever it is, I want it gone.

Happy 2018. I’ll see you soon. ❤

New Moon Intentions

August 17, 2017 – Thursday

The New Moon was ten days ago, but life has kicked back into nearly-full gear again which has made updating a challenge. Anything that is not directly demanding my attention usually ends up pushed aside in August. This is a pattern I am aware of, and intend to break by the end of next summer’s sabbatical. That being said, I did want to update even if I am running a tad behind.

As I usually do with the New Moon, I set some intentions for myself. This cycle the goals are as follows:

  • Lose 10 pounds
  • Get at least 7 hours of sleep nightly
  • Exercise 4 times per week

Since embarking on my “new” diet phase this summer, I have not actually lost any weight on the scale. It is so very frustrating – but I know something is working, because my favorite jeans that did not fit me at the beginning of summer (read: could NOT button) are currently clinging to my abundant thighs as I type this, comfortably buttoned.

I honestly cannot really tell you what I did to deserve this body change. Officially, I have lost about 3 pounds this summer, but none since I posted the pictures a few posts back. And frankly, when you’re closer to 300 pounds than 200, 3 pounds are not even worth mentioning.


  • Continue daily affirmations
  • Wear FitBit to track daily goals (15,000 steps)
  • Get SLEEP
  • Drink 96 – 128 oz water every day
  • Only eat at the 3 main mealtimes
    • No snacking
    • No grazing
    • Listen to my guts
  • Regular exercise
  • Diet
    • Low-fat (<30g daily)
    • Low-calorie (~1000 daily)

I am better at this every day. I will reach my goal, no matter how long it takes.

Welcome to August

August 3, 2017 – Thursday

Am I the only one who feels like July popped it’s head in the door for a minute and left again?

News of the day is that I am a diet-failer. I was doing really well last week and then mother nature took over and after a few dizzy spells, I gave in – not all at once, but the four day process to lose my grip also messed up my previously earned scale victories. So, I’m here again with no losses to report, but also no gains. Just…flat.

Today I read a story about a woman who lost 215 pounds in about a year and a half. Oddly enough, that’s almost exactly my total amount to lose. I am currently down 88 pounds from my highest weight, regardless of any surgical fluctuations. In fact, when taking into account my surgery start weight, I have only lost 32 pounds because of it.

Today starts the chapter called “Kiki loses 114 pounds in a year” because I am D-O-N-E with any and all excuses.

I *WILL* figure out what works.

I *WILL* be 200 pounds or less by New Year’s Eve 2017.

But, how…?
